Pawblo Picasso – peanut butter painting with dogs

Phoebe Kahlo and Frank-cis Bacon have been channeling their inner Picasso with some abstract painting. After seeing this adorable TikTok trend, we just had to try it ourselves – and the results were amazing.

To have a go yourself, you will need:

  • A large sandwich bag that can be sealed
  • Peanut Butter and spoon
  • Paints – we used acrylic
  • Canvases

You may also want to keep a paintbrush, some kitchen roll and some water to hand, too, though you may not necessarily need it.

Firstly, I decided on a colour palette for each pooch – for Phoebe, I went for reds and yellows, and Frank got greens and blues. Onto each canvas, I dotted different colours and sizes of paint blobs randomly. Our set of acrylic paints only really had blues, reds, greens and yellows, so you may want to pick up a palette to mix some custom shades, too.

When there was enough paint on the canvases, I moved on to preparing the sandwich bags. I spread a tablespoon of xylitol-free peanut butter onto one side of each bag, carefully unsealed them, and slipped in the canvases. Be sure to seal them back up tightly, so that your dog can’t access the paint.

Phoebe got straight to work with her masterpiece, although Frank wasn’t sure about the activity. If he were a human, he was definitely that kid at primary school that cried about putting their hands in PVA glue. After seeing how much fun Phoebe was having, though, he did have a go – but Phoebe finished off his artwork for him, like the bossy madam she is. Licking at the peanut butter spread the paint across the canvas, and because it was acrylic, it also had some cool texture from the plastic bag.

We let the canvases dry in the shed overnight to keep them away from curious snoots – and this is the finished result! We think they’re adorable and would make really cute gifts.
