Puppachinos at Paws for a Coffee, Trentham Shopping Village

Paws for a Coffee is a must-visit for those heading for a walk around Trentham Gardens, or a potter around the shopping village with their pooches.

We headed over to Trentham Estate on Saturday afternoon, and us humans having skipped breakfast decided that the cafe should be the first port of call on our arrival. Despite only opening six months ago, just days after the third national lockdown, word has spread quickly about this dog-friendly spot to grab a snack and drink.

Tucked away inside the visitor centre, Paws for a Coffee’s outdoor area was quite busy when we got there, so we decided to sit inside. There are a couple of rules for dogs to follow, which includes no barking and no paws on the furniture, to which Phoebe and Frank were fairly happy to adhere to, besides a quick woof at a passing Jack Russell. There was also a treat tin on the counter with a one biscuit per pup limit, and doggy-inspired decor – including an adorable watercolour Staffy cushion.

Between us, we ordered two cups of tea, a Cadbury’s hot chocolate, two hotdogs and a slice of chocolate cake with raspberry topping. Also on the menu was a selection vegan croissants, baked potatoes and oatcakes, with plenty of vegan and gluten free cakes too. After ordering and paying at the till, we pulled up a pew – literally, the booth seats are pews! – and were given a buzzer to let us know when our order was ready. Food and drinks were brought to the table, and we couldn’t help but notice Staffordshire’s own Dudson crockery!

Phoebe and Frank sat really good under the table, probably because they knew I wouldn’t order from a cafe without getting them something too! The Paws for a Coffee Instagram account is full of adorable doggos enjoying the cafe’s speciality – a puppachino! So naturally, I had to get some for the guys. The dairy-free cream treat is topped with a dog biscuit and the Scamps absolutely loved them, as I expected. Phoebe was very careful to get every last drop of cream, whereas Frank won’t be invited round by the Queen’s Corgis any time soon, seeing as he got his all over his face and the floor – but he enjoyed it all the same.

The hotdogs and cakes were also delicious, and definitely gave us the energy boost we needed to tackle the shops, from choosing treats at The Brownie Box, to getting the Scamps a novelty biscuit from Doggie Fashions!
